What are the Dimensions of a 10 Yard Dumpster?

Are you looking for a reliable and cost-effective way to dispose of your waste? A 10 yard dumpster is the perfect solution for homeowners, contractors, businesses, realtors, churches, and other organizations. It has a total volume of 10 cubic yards and can hold up to 50-70 33-gallon contractor-style garbage bags. At Next Day Dumpsters, we understand that every situation is different and that different sized containers are required. That's why we offer a variety of roll up containers ranging in size from 10 yards to 30 yards.

We also carry a limited number of 40-yard rolling containers for general waste and specific containers for concrete, soil and recyclables. So what are the dimensions of a 10 yd³ dumpster? Typical measurements are 14 feet long, 7.5 feet wide and 3.5 feet high. However, please note that the dimensions may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. How much can I throw in a 10-yard dump? A 10-yard waste bin contains 10 yd³ of material.

The cubic yard is about the size of a residential washing machine, so it would fit 10 washers. A 10-yard trash bin can hold 50-70 33-gallon contractor-style garbage bags or 3-5 truck bed loads. No matter what your waste disposal needs are, Next Day Dumpsters has you covered. We offer reliable and cost-effective solutions for all your dumpster rental needs.

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