What Size is a 2 Cubic Yard Dumpster?

Are you looking for a container to store your trash? Do you need to know the size of a 2-yard dumpster? Vail Honeywagon offers a variety of containers for your residential and commercial project needs, ranging from 3 to 40 cubic yards. The standard bin size for a 2-yard dumpster is 6 feet long, 3 feet wide and 3 feet high, and can hold up to 2 cubic yards of trash. The style of the container can make it easy to place in tight places for ease of service. Each 20-yard container rental will have the same 20 cubic yard capacity and volume, but the exact dimensions may vary slightly.

Standard bin sizes include 10-yard, 15-yard, 20-yard, 30-yard, and 40-yard bins and are categorized into roll-off, commercial, residential, and land-only types. Other establishments may store their trash bins in a common space used by other organizations to store their bins. The commercial trash bin dimensions for this versatile trash bin are typically 6 feet wide, 5 feet long, and the top 6 feet high, enough to accommodate up to 1400 pounds of trash. If you're looking for a container to store your trash, Vail Honeywagon has you covered.

With a variety of sizes available, you can find the perfect container for your needs. Whether you need a 2-cubic yard dumpster or a 40-cubic yard container rental, Vail Honeywagon has the perfect solution for you.

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